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Taleb Nassim Nicholas: Black Swan

Taleb Nassim Nicholas: Black Swan Doporučená cena: 299,- Kč
Naše cena: 254,- Kč
(sleva 15 % - ušetříte 45 Kč)

Autor: Taleb Nassim Nicholas
Druh vazby: Knihy - paperback
Počet stran: 444
Rozměr: 112 x 197 mm
Vydáno: 2008-02-28
Stav: Skladem v externím skladu
Datum odeslání: Do týdne

ISBN: 978-0-141-03459-1
EAN: 9780141034591
Nakladatelství: The Book Service Ltd (Penguin)
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What have the invention of the wheel, Pompeii, the Wall Street Crash, Harry Potter and the internet got in common? Why are all forecasters con-artists? What can Catherine the Great's lovers tell us about probability? Why should you never run for a train or read a newspaper? This book is all about Black Swans: the random events that underlie our lives, from bestsellers to world disasters. Their impact is huge; they're impossible to predict; yet after they happen we always try to rationalize them. A rallying cry to ignore the 'experts', The Black Swan shows us how to stop trying to predict everything - and take advantage of uncertainty.


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Nabízené knihy od stejného autora(autorky):
Taleb Nassim Nicholas: Antifragile
Taleb Nassim Nicholas: Černá labuť / Následky vysoce nepravděpodobných událostí
Taleb Nassim Nicholas: Fooled by Randomness : The Hidden Role of Chance in Life and in the Markets

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